Language skills create empowered humans who are prepared to operate in an ever changing world.


Lux Languages offers one-on-one tutoring and private education for students of all ages.  We provide highly qualified bilingual staff dedicated to maximize the learning experience. Our lessons are individually tailored using various teaching styles and the latest research in language acquisition.

Typically, we meet 1-2 times per week for 45 minutes to an hour at a coffee shop or an agreed upon location. For serious students dedicated to fluency, we recommend meeting more frequently.

We have experience teaching contracted classes that take the place of high school courses for credit, under approval of individual schools and districts for independent learners seeking rigorous bilingual education.

Rates vary depending on your needs. Contact us for more details.

“The most exciting part of my work is observing the happiness in others as the key turns and one begins to read, write or speak in any language. And the inner joy it brings the learner when the door opens.”
– Sharilyn Lux, Founder