We have received several emails over the last year or two inquiring about Spanish Language Services for Timber Ridge Elementary and Cascade View, in the Snoqualmie School District.
We would love ensure that all students in the district have access to high quality foreign language programs. This is necessary to stay competitive with other local school districts and global demands that our children need to be trained and prepared to the enter the workforce, one day.
Si View Parks department handles the foreign language/extra curricular activities for Opstad Elementary and North Bend Elementary at the moment. We offer services via Si View Parks to those schools. We have offered Spanish for the last few years for Fall City Elementary, which is now undergoing a re-vamp of after-school activities, per district administration.
We encourage you to contact the administration and voice the need for us to stay current and competitive, as a district. And to offer access to similar services at all of the district schools.
-Sharilyn Lux
Founding Director