Interested in Having You or Your Child Learn Another Language?
Featured on Macaroni Kids
Written by Shari Lux, Owner Lux Languages
You may seen articles recently about the numerous benefits of bilingualism in all ages of people. Research continues to produce more and more information concluding that there are numerous advantages for those who pick up at least a second language. After all, our competitors in the world are bilingual for the most part, if not multilingual.
If you have not seen any of the newer studies, search for them. Some of the advantages include lower rates of mental decline in the later years of life, as well as better executive functioning in the brain in the very early years. Young children that speak more than one language seem to be able to multi-task with greater ease than those who are monolingual. They are also able to sort and respond to questions and problem solving situations quicker than monolinguals.
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